Terms & Conditions
Lessons - fees are due on the 1st of the month in advance, they are due in full and are split based on the full year. No fees will be given back if a child misses a class. Fees will be adjusted in the event a class has to be cancelled out with our control. we request that all fees are paid on time and in the correct amount. Fees are calculated pro rata, payment is required 12 months of the year.
NJDC reserves the right to change the fee amount without prior notice however we will endeavour to inform parents as soon as possible
Notice Policy - 1 month. we ask out of curtesy if a child no longer wishes to attend NJDC they leave during a holiday or after a showcase/competition and not before.
Students wishing to leave require 1 months payment the following month post leaving, this is a covering payment now that we work on a pro rata basis. Fees are calculated for a full year and split evenly over 12 months. With holidays etc taken into account.
Attendance Policy - we would like all our dancers to have full attendance but where a child cannot make class we ask that a parent informs us of their absence. Unfortunately we can not refund fees for missed classes.
Dress Code - we ask that our dancers wear dance uniform, to class and always have the correct footwear.
Behaviour - during lessons students are expected to behave in a polite manner, they are expected to listen and be kind to others in class. any unacceptable behaviour from dancers and parents will not be tolerated and they may be asked to leave. we run a strict Anti-bullying policy and it will not be tolerated in the studio.
Health & Safety - NJDC takes seriously their responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all dances and coaches. The school will undertake regular risk assessments regarding our premises, with dance being an active activity and whilst every effort will be made to avoid them, injuries can happen. We will provide care where necessary but NJDC accepts no responsibility for any injuries other than a teachers negligence.
Media use - By accepting the T&Cs parents and guardians grant permission for NJDC to take photos and videos of the students and use them in terms of advertising or sharing purposes. No personal information will be given out. Please specify if you do not wish a child to be photographed.
Safeguarding - Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well being of all students in our care, all staff are Disclosure certified and insured.
we have introduced a yearly membership for each student which covers all admin and promo associated with classes.